Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lesvos at Last

Aaand off to Lesvos at last! I had to wait in Athens for three correct buses to pass by, all overflowing, before one opened its doors directly in front of me and I could shove my way on. Not the most comfortable ride I've ever had, but the metro was still down, and you get what you pay for, I suppose.

The ferry was yet another matter. Scheduled for departure at 2100, it was delayed by storms (somewhere out to sea) until 0300. I think I was told where to go when I embarked, but because they told me in Greek, I surmised that they intended me to have the run of the ship. It was a good ride with only one brief stop at Chios (Χίος).

Artistic homunculus outside a shop in Mytilene's market
I reached Lesvos in the early afternoon, giving me some time to wander around the capital city Mytilene. Not a whole lot to see, but there was one castle (two would be rather excessive.) From Sappho Square (Latin class, anyone? Sappho was a Greek poet who lived on Lesvos, giving rise to the word "lesbian") I caught the last bus out to Koudourdia. Then I climbed into a tiny boat, paid a euro to the ferryman, and made it across to Perama, the closest village to the Tragakis farm. The owner Dimitris picked me up from the dock and brought me back to the farm, maybe a 15 minute drive. 

When Dimitris's pickup pulled in, the other two wwoofers were sitting outside under the grape vines--Charmaine and Tawfique, of New Zealand and Bangladesh. The four of us sat and talked, nibbling on cookies and fending off the cats as the last glow of daylight drained from the sky.

Actually sunrise the next morning, but who's keeping track?
A rare moment of stillness for this little puppy we're calling Tony. His chief mode of transportation seems to be hopping sideways, but he has at least been getting bolder as the weeks pass.
But you just ate, little cat!
Olive trees, oh yes--3800 of them!
And they've got actual olives on them! Try to contain yourself; I know how exciting this is.
One of the last wwoofers left two of these crocheted spider webs in the front yard. I don't know what they mean, but they're wicked cool!

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